Blog by J.P. Hernandez

Building a content strategy for SaaS in the face of AI search

Hemingway’s Technique on Suspenseful Introductions

Mastering Your Hook for Content

Spaces Can Account for 70% of Your Life’s Work: Are You Choosing Wisely?

6 Laws for Building Product Comparison Articles

How Product-led Articles Support Sales Teams

Is it Fluff? Balancing Essential Content with Search Intent

Ways to Repurpose LinkedIn Articles

How to Create a Story Empire

The Metaverse Papers

Lessons in Marketing from 503 Years Ago

Writing SEO Content Without Making the #1 Mistake

The Framework for Writing Your Landing Page

Conflict-building Formula: Market Your Product with a Great Story

How Brands Can Build a New Email List

Copywriting Audit:

Ways You Can Learn Hard-to-get Value from Anyone

How Can I Write an Original Metaphor?

How to Make a Portfolio of Content Ideas on Twitter

300+ Best Opening Lines in Books, Movies & Creative Works (Fiction/Non-Fiction) [Master List]

Top Free Writing Tools for Killer Marketing That Help Promote Action

How To Write the Best Opening Line

3 Business Lessons from Latin American Fiction

The Art of Original Thinking